Tag - phishing

Flying Blue


Am primit un email din categoria phishing: aparent de la Flying Blue pentru un bilet de avion cumparat.

Chiar daca link-ul pare veridic nu apasati pana cand nu vedeti in bara unde duce link-ul cu adevarat. De exemplu link-ul din imaginea de mai jos duce in realitate la un site de phishing (mosesadetoro(.)info) care o sa incerce sa va fure datele de logare la Flying Blue.


Emailul complet:

Thanks for the purchase!

Booking number: LVSN50
Your credit card has been charged for $391.62.

Please print PASSENGER ITINERARY RECEIPT by logging into your Flying Blue personal pages
by clicking the link below:


To cancel your ticket, please click the link below:


On board you will be offered:
– Beverages;
– Food;
– Daily press.

You are guaranteed top-quality services and attention on the part of our benevolent personnel.
We recommend you to print PASSENGER ITINERARY RECEIPT and take it alone to the airport.
It will help you to pass control and registration procedures faster.

See you on board!

Customer Care
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines/Air France